Is eSIM currently supported on Mudi or any other router?

I recieved your - GL-iNet esim card - with this card i was able to download this profile successfully - so it looks like only problem with airalo!

OK, great.

Hi, I had airalo USA 1G esim installed on my X3000. after I enabled it, the mobile connection works as expected. However, the eSIM Manage under Applicaiton just disappeared. So I won't be able to manage the physical esim card. I used esim from Nomad before and no such issues. I tried with two physical esim cards on two X3000 routers. Now both physical esim cards are basically dead. Please help.

Sorry, maybe there is a bug about old firmware, we will give you a newest firmware to test again today.

Hi Hoff, where to download the newest firmware for X3000?

Very very sorry, we encounter a problem when develop this firmware, we are fixing it, I think we will give newest firmware tomorrow. Sorry for delaying again.

Hoff, this is great! The new firmwire works and esim manage comes back. Thank you!

Thank you! we are very sorry for delaying some much time!

Hello so please help me understand, so for this esim to work, do you have to purchase first the esim card from glinet? I just downloaded the newest firmware for my spitz ax but cannot find the menu with option to add an esim in the application side.

I am planning to buy an esim from my local telecom and use it but i guess i need to buy that physical esim first? How does it exactly work here.

I mean i have used an esim before with my samsung phone but i just scanned a qr code and it installed automatically. Does it work similar to that here.

Sorry for sounding dumb.


The physical (!) eSIM card is needed to save the virtual eSIM profiles on it. So the eSIM support isn't like on a phone, it's more like the eSIM from your provider will be converted to the physical SIM so you can switch between eSIM profiles.

Ah thats what i thought. Thanks so unless I insert physical esim card, the esim menu will not appear on the applications options correct?

Correct. The eSIM menu is hidden until you insert the physical eSIM.

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Got it ty!

I just noticed that you need a physical SIM on which the eSIM is stored.
How many eSIM profiles can be stored on such a SIM? Can multiple plans be used simultaneously (like on an iPhone)?

I would like to store Vodafone and o2 on the SIM and ideally activate load balancing right away or at least set it so that it automatically uses the plan with the best reception.


Hey :wave:t3:

You can store 8 profiles on the eSIM.


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Thanks for the info. And how many can I use simultaneously? Or where do I set which card is active?

And do regular eSIMs from providers like Vodafone and o2 from Germany also work?

You can switch the sim profiles in the eSIM section the admin panel.

You can use one profile at the same time.

I tried Telekom magenta Mobil data card as a eSIM and it worked perfectly.

So i think Vodafone and o2 should also work.

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