List of current feature requests 2022

In firmware 4.x you can export the log from the UI with a .zip now.

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It would be nice to see the connection uptime on the main screen of the router.


SQM cake fq_codel or nss schedulers should be installed by default along with QoS. Also custom firewall rules too is needed.

Can this SOC be integrated? Plz n thank u

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We have a list of Quectel 5G modules under consideration now. Hope to add support


FIREWALL Page must have

  1. “Blocklist” and
  2. “Block Country” (specially if you will allow WebDAV or inward connections).

Blocklist can contain list of known attackers
(user can upload from URL or Local file)

Block Country can contain IP address range allocated by countries (User can Check :ballot_box_with_check: to block countries)


I want an option to “Reboot into Uboot mode” from Admin Panel (because I hate going behind router and mess with Reset buttons) :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

This option can go into

MORE SETTINGS > Revert Firmwares Page,



AND Also,… I prefer Uboot allowing Full BackUp/Restores to USB or NAS :face_with_spiral_eyes:


I want to further amend THIS feature request,…

I want you guys to develop an APP that securely allows pairing to your routers (QR code that we can see in Admin Panel and your APP can use camera to scan QR). Paired device can open Router home page within APP and allow access to NAS from anywhere in the world.

This app can override the previous feature request rules of IP/Country blocklist and have more privileges (as it could be gl-net home-made APP??)


160MHz bandwidth in 5GHz


So,… This will be my last feature request “Port Triggering” page near Port Forwarding page.

If you guys advertise as routers capable of connecting 140 devices,… surely some devices will need same open ports (like 443) and DMZ+Port Forwarding may give access to only 2 devices :face_vomiting:

Port Triggering (Specify ports to allow devices on your local network to dynamically open specific external ports and forward packets (from the Internet) to the device that triggered it) is a “must” and last


I would like to have the ability to manage the LEDs on the web interface for the MT1300 beryl router. What I imagine is a panel in which the user can set the brightness of the LEDs with a percentage from 0% to 100%, perhaps using a slider, and a scheduler to automatically turn off the LEDs in a certain time slot, for example from 22:00 to 7:00 in the morning.

I was able to reduce the brightness of the LEDs by modifying the configuration file /usr/bin/mt1300_led and to manage the scheduling of the LEDs on or off using the crontab panel under luci, but it would be much more convenient if it were possible to manage everything from the main page.

Thank you


To boost visibility, I post here, because we need your votes for the upcoming travel router in 2023: We need your opinion for the next generations of our travel router

We have a poll for gathering ideas for Brume 2, please cast your votes: Opinions are needed for next generation of Brume

Has there been any discussion about Tailscale integration? (And while we’re at it, using headscale as the control server)?

There is a package which can be installed via opkg on the Slate AX, but you have to set up all the routing and firewall rules manually (not a huge deal, but…).

Update firmware to Openwrt 22.03
Mt1300 Beryl
AP1200 Opal

Implement device groups to allow different devices to be associated to different VPN location as per Express VPN software:

Preferably this would be achieved by becoming a supported router by Express VPN (so can install their add on software on your router), or by simply mimicking functionality by allowing us to set up / active multiple Open VPN profiles and associate devices (via MAC code) to specific VPN profile.

Use case for this is wanting to point different devices to different countries. I.e Apple TV to UK server & Nvidia Shield TV to Hong Kong server

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This sounds like policy based routing. And I would love PBR. We need it.


I‘m missing a counter of the total traffic generated. Although I can see how much traffic was generated by each client of my GL-AXT1800, I can‘t see how much traffic in total was transferred through the wifi uplink of the router (or LTE, wired,…)

As well, please consider to implement pi-hole as an alternative to adguard. A lot of countries banned Russian software and adguard is considered as russian in many of these countries.


Really? I never knew Adguard was Russian.