MT3000 Beryl AX Open Source WiFi driver firmware

Could you show us more detail?

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Hello developers, based on openwrt 23.05.2 stable release date ?

Beware of the 4.6.0 snapshot from the Despite it also being version 4.6.0 like this with OpenWRT 23.05 and opensource mt76 wifi drivers it is in fact a 21.02 version with MTK SDK based drivers. Learned it the hard way when upgrading from earlier 4.6.0 version from this thread to the latest snapshot from the website and now I cannot connect to the device via GoodCloud. Will need to investigate on-site some other time as I use it as a remote Access Point.


Indeed… what a mess, it’s not 4.6 …

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I would also like to know the answer to this. Just got stuck trying to get travelmate plug-in working and it sounds like a firmware release based on OpenWrt 23.05.2 would get me unstuck. Thank you.

can we get an update!?

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Yes it has been a long time coming…

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I’m very sorry that keeping you wait so long. The open source WIFI driver have a 2.4G issue. that we can’t fixed it right now(Same to MT6000). So we suspend the new version.

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That’s unfortunate as 4.6 beta1 fixed all 5G issues and actually run pretty stable, I personally don’t care about 2.4G.

So what is the path forward and why is the snapshot listed as 4.6 but is based on the old OpenWrt 21 ?

Super confusing…


This device needs to be recalled then, can I organise a refund, the device simply does not work.

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I mean is there a solution for this ahead?

Sorry for your bad experience. And yes, you can mail to they will help you to the next step.

Put aside the 2.4G issue. Maybe the opensource wifi driver is a good way. I will continue to push it.

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Sorry to bother you. The info i get is different with yours, I will check it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I really want to use this device, it will be perfect if stable, if you are going to keep working on the driver I will wait.

I update a 4.6(open version) in google drive for test.
Now our oficial snapshot version is based on 21.02.
So if you want to use 23.05 you need to download the on from google drive.

We will keep working on it. but sorry that we can’t guarantee the time.

How to get upgrade it ?

someone tested the snapshot yet and can report back?

Nice! Maybe you could share the link to download it ?