Firmware 4.3.6 removes features!

Device: AR750S-Ext (Slate)
Current Firmware: 4.3.6
Previous Firmware:

Hi. This morning, my Slate upgrades itself to the newest firmware. Tor is missing, NAS is missing, AdGuardHome is missing, even I cant manually config my LAN device Static IP. I cant access my microSD again. I’m thinking of downgrading if I cant use my microSD as NAS and Tor.

Is there a fix later? If not, auto updates will be turned off.


yes, it’s rediculous that upgrade remove vital function such as file sharing and remove all the settings yet allow auto upgrade! can you imagine how much information your average customers (majority of whom never use ssh, never go to forum) would find out after wake up and all their router setting is lost?


You can use these features by installing the following package
For nas

opkg update

opkg install gl-sdk4-webdav gl-sdk4-nas-exfat gl-sdk4-nas-utils gl-sdk4-nas-web gl-sdk4-ui-nasview samba4-server samba4-libs samba4-utils minidlna blkid kmod-fs-ext4 kmod-fs-ntfs kmod-fs-vfat kmod-fs-exfat kmod-usb-storage-uas ntfs-3g ntfs-3g-utils dosfstools  e2fsprogs shadow-common shadow-useradd

for tor

opkg install gl-sdk4-ui-torview

for adguardhome

opkg install gl-sdk4-ui-adguardhome

I have the same situation.
Not just NAS. The update deleted all my wifi passwords, which I don’t have at hand and will have to request again. This update is very very disappointing and lame, the UI feels sluggish.
I already put a lot of effort configuring this router and almost everything was wiped out!!!

What is this? Planned obsolescence?


A couple questions:

  • Since the AR750S has enough flash for these features, why is GL iNet not installing them on routers using these features?
  • Why are you allowing auto-updates if it is killing features or or configurations? This should only be an opt-in update.

I am glad to see 4.x for some of the older products finally reaching production, but this should be only an opt-in update!


I follow that an auto-update to 4.x from 3.x is problematic because “keep settings” is unwise, but folks may not have "kept settings’ to rebuild. Updating to 4.x from 3.x most definitely needs one to completely reconfigure, so I agree maybe that step needs to be opt-in. Auto update along the 3.x line, and notify of the opportunity to move to 4.x.

But, I most definitely think it is good for GL-Inet to rethink what they pack into the firmware. It is fairly easy to add packages back, but it takes imagebuilder to rebuild the firmware to omit stuff, and that is really beyond most users. I was most pleasantly surprised that my Mango could go to 4.x and still have room for the stuff I wanted to add, without having to make space by deleting stuff I don’t need. Looking at you nodogsplash and glterf.

Also: I am almost always installing beta/snapshot firmware and never under any circumstances auto-updating. Windows and Chrome cause enough pain as it is.

Allowing automatic updates was indeed a mistake, and we have now removed automatic push, leaving the choice in the hands of the user.

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We upgraded to openwrt 22.03, and while it made the router a lot more possible, the AR750S would be very slow to run these features, which is like your computer from 10 years ago running the latest windows11, and we chose to put these features in the software repository for people who needed them to install it.
Of course, it was a wrong decision to push the firmware, and we did not consider the users who turned on the automatic upgrade function.

How do I get the file sharing or local network access back? I have two external HD connected to my Ar750s. Seems a lot of things have been removed. What package do I need to install?

In advance thank you.

Normally, for best security, auto-updates are good. I use it on Windows, macOS, my Android phones and several Linux systems. The problem is, GL iNet firmware updates are not clean. This should be a priority in future releases.


Just run the “for nas” command:

If you are not familiar with SSH:

Automatic updates aren’t a bad idea, in fact they are excellent for maintaining security if they are done well and reserved for minor point releases that contain security updates only. Unattended installation of a major update is almost always a bad idea.

Related to this the device also needs to have a reliable backup and restore process of configuration changes to make resetting, updating or rolling back firmware versions painless. This is pretty fundamental to a network appliance and something that GL needs to improve on.


I uboot updated one of my AR750s from 3.216 to 4.3.6 and expected to lose everything however I can confirm that @luochongjun 's instructions will bring back NAS capabilities. :slight_smile:


Thx. Can you help me out how to enable the file sharing/access to ext. HDs once again? I can’t remember how I did it. It’s so long ago. I got the ‘network storage’ under Application now but still can’t access them.

Btw sorry for this (offtopic), but what’s your latest/newest router that can do exactly the same?

Mine automatically upgraded to 4.3.6 too and I don’t know if you can actually turn off auto updates anymore? The tab to configure auto upgrade is gone from the upgrade page. Has it been removed? Do you know a way to fix this?

Please refer to

The “custom” tab under luci interface is gone too. I can’t add my TTL settings. So effectively I cannot tether a phone and modify TTL settings anymore.

Also, there is no longer and internet kill switch with the VPN options. This upgrade for this device was poorly thought out.

Love GL devices…own a lot…but this is disappointing

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Look under Global Options in the VPN Dashboard.


This is a modification for the new version of OpenWrt, we are not responsible for maintaining LuCI.
For now, you can only modify it via SSH.

For All Interfaces:

mkdir -p /usr/share/nftables.d/chain-pre/mangle_postrouting/
echo "ip ttl set 65" >  /usr/share/nftables.d/chain-pre/mangle_postrouting/01-set-tt
fw4 reload

For one Interface (such as eth0):

mkdir -p /usr/share/nftables.d/chain-pre/mangle_postrouting/
echo " oifname eth0 ip ttl set 65" >  /usr/share/nftables.d/chain-pre/mangle_postrouting/01-set-tt
fw4 reload

It is optimized for tighter Block Non-VPN Traffic in GlobaL Options of VPN Client.