Spitz AX GL-X3000 will not connect to Verizon


I have a new Spitz AX and it will not connect to Verizon.
I have my iPad IMEI in the router.
The SIM card works in the iPad.
On the router I keep getting a message that the SIM card is not registered.
Verizon says everything is good on their end and they see no issues.
The router will occasionally connect and say Verizon Wireless for a few seconds but then it is gone.
I have manually set the APN. I have tried the Verizon profile. I have switched to SIM2 and back to SIM1.
I have tried the SIM in slot 2.
I have reset the router firmware
I have reset the modem with AT+QPRTPARA=3
I am on firmware 0406release1 dated 01/23/2024

I am open to any help anyone can provide.

Please search the forum I recall people were able to successfully connect to Verizon after flagging the modem module.

Some progress. Downgraded to release50402.
Now I get connected, but still a SIM is not registered message. Also, while connected, I get a message stating the interface is connected, but the internet can’t be accessed.

More progress. I am able to connect but I have to lock a tower manually. If a tower isn’t locked it doesn’t work.
That makes me think this will be useless in motion in an RV unless I find a way around this issue.

Try to set the modem preferences of 5G to selective bands used by Verizon. Check out the AT commands manual at the middle of this post:

I will look into this.
Doing more troubleshooting, if I lock some of the available towers, it will not connect.
Seems everything should work better than this. I wonder if an older firmware ever worked better.

Really getting somewhere now.
Ran AT+QMBNCFG=“list”
Saw in that listing that there were only like 5 entries and nothing for Verizon.
I am assuming this is the reason random people have issues on AT&T, T-Mobile and others.
I followed the instructions referenced in this link Great find by another user
Upgraded the modem, and many, many more providers are listed when the list command was run.
The router now automatically connects and gets many towers, including 5G towers in the list if I look to lock a tower.
No more “SIM card not registered” message!
The router boots and will establish a connection on its own.
My account on Verizon’s site shows the IMEI of the iPad as I would expect & is tracking data usage.
The only issue I have now is it seems to always do LTE and if I force the 5G tower by locking, it drops connection and I do get the messages about the sim not being registered and such. It also will not make a connection. Unlock from the 5G tower and all is well again.
I verified the iPad IMEI i am using shows 5G provisioning.
I will continue to troubleshoot, but I think the modem upgrade will fix many users issues.
I am sure I will get 5G working with more time…

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thank you so much for this!

wasn’t working anymore for me until i followed your reference reddit link and used the 03-11-2023 modem firmware.

everything is now working, woot!

Is 5G working for you on that firmware?
I am using the firmware dated 02/01/24 and it sees Verizon 5G bands but rarely switches to one from 4G+.

i always see 4G+ as well but i didn’t think that i’d get 5G because the IMEI i’m spoofing the modem to is from an iphone X that has no 5G capability. whether that actually makes a difference or not, i’m not entirely sure. it was just something i (blindly) assumed, even though the modem itself has 5G

I’m using a 2022 iPad IMEI.
I have seen 5G a couple times, but the router seems to prefer 4G. I have verified via AT commands that the preferred order is 5G, LTE & then WCDMA.
I will say in the area I’m testing, the 4G+ is faster than Verizon 5G.
I have a support case open to see what GLiNET says.

nice do you mind sharing those AT commands on the priority? I’d like to double-check mine, too.

I’d be very curious to what they say, too, so keep me updated!

Thanks again!

Have you tried to lock only LTE and 5G NSA bands?
Do not select 5G SA

Here is a link to every AT command for the modem in the router.
Of note are:
AT+QNWPREFCFG= “rat_acq_order”
AT+QNWPREFCFG= “mode_pref”

I tried LTE and 5G NSA bands only.
Router connected but only showed 4G+.
Sometimes it will show a 5G NSA signal along with the LTE signal when I select Cell Info.
It rarely switches to the 5G band even if it is shown. In fact, I have seen it happen only twice over 3-4 weeks.
I tried just the 5G NSA bands with no LTE. Same thing as if both 5G NSA & 5G SA are picked.
Without LTE selected, I get a SIM Card not registered message and selecting a profile with LTE doesn’t reestablish connection until I reboot the router.

A bit more info if it helps. The LTE info shows up in Cell Info immediately upon connection.The NR5G-NSA band info takes 3-5 minutes to show up in Cell Info.

I am currently on modem firmware RM520NGLAAR01A08M4G_01.202.01.202

Notes on other Firmware Revisions
RM520NGLAAR03A02M4GA Would connect to 4G+ but never saw 5G
RM520NGLAAR03A03M4G_01.200.01.200 Got 4g+ connections, but the cell connection would occasionally drop and I had to reboot the router to reestablish connection.

What do you get if you run: AT+QMBNCFG=“list”

Yeah, I checked MBN, looks correct?
+QMBNCFG: “List”,0,1,1,“CDMAless-Verizon”,0x0A010126,202209281
+QMBNCFG: “List”,1,0,0,“TEF_Spain_Commercial”,0x0A010C00,202302071
+QMBNCFG: “List”,2,0,0,“ROW_Generic_3GPP_PTCRB_GCF”,0x0A01FF09,202205261
+QMBNCFG: “List”,3,0,0,“FirstNet”,0x0A015300,202206171
+QMBNCFG: “List”,4,0,0,“Rogers_Canada”,0x0A014800,202303141
+QMBNCFG: “List”,5,0,0,“Bell_Canada”,0x0A014700,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,6,0,0,“Telus_Canada”,0x0A014900,202112271
+QMBNCFG: “List”,7,0,0,“Commercial-Sprint”,0x0A010204,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,8,0,0,“Commercial-TMO”,0x0A01050F,202303091
+QMBNCFG: “List”,9,0,0,“VoLTE-ATT”,0x0A010335,202208211
+QMBNCFG: “List”,10,0,0,“CDMAless_Private-Verizon”,0x0A01FD28,202305082
+QMBNCFG: “List”,11,0,0,“Telia_Sweden”,0x0A012400,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,12,0,0,“TIM_Italy_Commercial”,0x0A012B00,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,13,0,0,“France-Commercial-Orange”,0x0A010B21,202401081
+QMBNCFG: “List”,14,0,0,“Commercial-DT-VOLTE”,0x0A011F1F,202206131
+QMBNCFG: “List”,15,0,0,“Germany-VoLTE-Vodafone”,0x0A010449,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,16,0,0,“UK-VoLTE-Vodafone”,0x0A010426,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,17,0,0,“Commercial-EE”,0x0A01220B,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,18,0,0,“Optus_Australia_Commercial”,0x0A014400,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,19,0,0,“Telstra_Australia_Commercial”,0x0A010F00,202304251
+QMBNCFG: “List”,20,0,0,“Commercial-LGU”,0x0A012608,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,21,0,0,“Commercial-KT”,0x0A01280B,202308031
+QMBNCFG: “List”,22,0,0,“Commercial-SKT”,0x0A01270A,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,23,0,0,“Commercial-Reliance”,0x0A011B0C,202210211
+QMBNCFG: “List”,24,0,0,“Commercial-SBM”,0x0A011C0B,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,25,0,0,“Commercial-KDDI”,0x0A010709,202111051
+QMBNCFG: “List”,26,0,0,“Commercial-DCM”,0x0A010D0D,202208151
+QMBNCFG: “List”,27,0,0,“VoLTE-CU”,0x0A011561,202310181
+QMBNCFG: “List”,28,0,0,“VoLTE_OPNMKT_CT”,0x0A0113E0,202204211
+QMBNCFG: “List”,29,0,0,“Volte_OpenMkt-Commercial-CMCC”,0x0A012010,202212151
+QMBNCFG: “List”,30,0,0,“ROW_Commercial”,0x0A010809,202305221


And, it is seeing 5G, but chooses to run on the 4G+

What does AT+QCAINFO show? If it shows LTE + 5G band in there, then it is connected to 5G NSA.

I checked that as well, and it does show the 5G band.
I was told by support if the WebUI doesn’t show 5G, then it isn’t using the 5G band.
+QCAINFO: “PCC”,66536,100,“LTE BAND 66”,1,65,-103,-9,-74,12
+QCAINFO: “SCC”,1000,50,“LTE BAND 2”,1,65,-104,-14,-81,15,0,-,-
+QCAINFO: “SCC”,1150,50,“LTE BAND 2”,1,65,-102,-10,-82,16,0,-,-
+QCAINFO: “SCC”,66836,50,“LTE BAND 66”,1,65,-101,-13,-79,19,0,-,-
+QCAINFO: “SCC”,174290,1,“NR5G BAND 5”,65



I wondered if this could be an issue in the router firmware and it is using 5G but not indicating?